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Pétition : Nous demandons à la CCI d’enqueter sur ces crimes et tenir Israel responsable

jeudi 11 juin 2020

Nous demandons à la CCI d’enqueter sur ces crimes et tenir Israel responsable

Signez cette petition et nous ajouterons votre nom à une lettre à la Procureur de la CCI, FB, pour lui demander d’ouvrir des enquêtes.

Résumé d’une pétition en anglaéis. Les texte en anglais est plus bas

Eyad était un Palestinien autiste qui se rendait dans son centre de soins à Jérusalem quand, un matin, la police d’Israël le tua de 3 coups, après l’avoir pris pour un terroriste
Des milliers de Palestiniens ont perdu leurs vies à cause d’un système qui les déshumanise et les dévalue . La Justice n’est pas rendue pour les Palestiniens.

> Israël continue à agir impunément

Pour signer, cliquer ici :

> Israel will not give Eyad Al-Hallaq and the thousands of Palestinians it killed in cold blood the justice they deserve.

> Our demand : The International Criminal Court must investigate these crimes and hold Israel and the individuals responsible accountable.

> Sign this petition so we can add your name to a letter to the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, requesting legitimate investigations and accountability.

> Eyad was a Palestinian with autism who attended a special needs center in Jerusalem. On his way there one morning, Israeli police killed him with three shots to the center of his body from close range. Eyad’s caretaker Warda pleaded for his life and shouted at the police in Hebrew and Arabic that he was a person with a disability.

> But the Israeli police didn’t listen and executed him anyways. Eyad died in a roofless garbage room terrified and confused at what was going on.

> Why did this happen ?

> He was murdered because he is Palestinian. He was profiled by the Israeli police. They thought he had a weapon, even though his hands were empty and determined he was a terrorist because he had gloves on.
> Thousands of Palestinians have lost their lives from a system that dehumanizes and devalues them. Israel has repeatedly failed to convict and hold accountable those that commit these crimes. Justice is not served for Palestinians.

> Israeli forces continue to behave with impunity and take Palestinian life.

> We must come together to demand justice because Israel will not deliver it. Let us make our collective voice heard.

> Sign the petition so we can urge the International Criminal Court to take action and give Eyad and thousands of Palestinians the justice they deserve.

> In solidarity,

> Salem Barahmeh
> Executive Director
> The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy


The Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy
Nablus Road
Ramallah, West Bank 0101010
Palestine (State of)

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